



Partial and Full Dentures in Jimboomba

Who Can Benefit from Dentures

Dentures can be a great way to replace missing teeth. Our goal at Flagsmile Dental is to provide the care you need to allow you to keep your natural teeth as long as possible. However, where teeth need to be removed, dentures can sometimes be the most economical option to allow the patient to smile, chew and function again. For those that struggle with dentures, or would simply prefer a fixed option, an essix retainer, Valplast denture, bridge or dental implant can also be considered.

That’s why we do an in-depth consultation with patients before they make this decision. We take the time to understand what your expectations and goals are, as well as if you’ve had dentures before or had a close experience with someone who has had dentures. We explain the process, as well as the pros and cons of dentures, and do our best to give you a complete picture so you can make the best decision for yourself.

We also offer replacement dentures, where we incorporate the best of the denture you currently have and improve upon things that are uncomfortable or have worn over time.

Partial or Full Dentures

Partial dentures may be an option if you have healthy anchoring teeth. Full dentures are a big undertaking, but some patients choose this option so they don’t have to worry about their natural teeth anymore. Both options require different types of ongoing maintenance.

Immediate Dentures

We also offer immediate dentures for patients who want to minimise any time without their replacement teeth. This is a very planned, structured process. We will discuss your expectations beforehand and have dentures custom-made for you. Some “fitting” appointments may be required as part of this process. Once the denture is ready, then we will remove your teeth and put the dentures straight in.

The advantage of this option is that you have teeth right away. The disadvantage is that as the gums heal, they shrink, so immediate dentures do not usually fit as well as dentures made after the healing process is complete. This means that after a few months, the immediate denture will usually need to be modified to compensate for the shrinkage in your gums.

Learn More About Dentures

If you think dentures might be a good option for you, contact us to schedule a consultation.