Children’s Dentistry

Children's Dentistry in Jimboomba

At Flagsmile Dental, we hope to inspire kids to love coming to the dentist—and maybe even become dentists themselves one day!

Starting kids off with a positive dental experience is important, and that’s our goal here at Flagsmile. We like to see children as soon as they start having baby teeth come through, as a preventative consultation and to discuss with their parents things they can do now to set the foundation for healthy teeth in the future.

Dental Services for Children

We offer the full range of dental care for children, beginning with their  first-ever visit to the dentist. We provide ongoing preventative care, as well as care after trauma. We check for tongue ties and lip ties, and we address childhood teeth grinding. If your child does have a cavity, we offer white fillings as an option. The best part is for any of the nervous or anxious little ones out there, we can perform their treatment under Happy Gas!

There are many things we can do while your child still has their baby teeth to help set the stage for healthy adult teeth. This is why we stress the importance of getting regular dental care whilst your child is still young. Did you know that baby teeth act as space maintainers for adult teeth? This means if baby teeth are decayed or removed too early, this can contribute to future crowding or damage for the underlying adult teeth. Many issues can be minimized or prevented with early assessment and intervention. We usually recommend taking X-rays every two years to ensure we identify any issues that could affect adult teeth.

Our Approach

We love treating children, and we are great friends with the tooth fairy! We take pride in creating fun experiences with visiting the dentist so children look forward to coming in regularly to show us their new teeth or how well they’ve been flossing.

We play cartoons or other shows on our ceiling TVs, we have squishy balls, and we play games with kids. If you’re brave, you may even get to pick presents from our (the Tooth Fairy’s) treasure box. For very apprehensive or nervous kids, we have Happy Gas to help them relax and enjoy the experience. We also love to involve siblings, having them help us count their sibling’s teeth and being our “little helper.”

Our dentists focus on education for kids and parents about the importance of taking care of your teeth and gums to avoid problems in the future. So let’s work together toward healthy smiles and help keep the Tooth Fairy magic alive!

Get Started with Care

Schedule your child’s first dental appointment. We accept the Child Benefit Dental Schedule.